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Pet FeedingWhat Vegetables Can Cats Eat?

What Vegetables Can Cats Eat? Do You Know?

  Curious about whether your feline friend can munch on some veggies? Well, the answer might surprise you! While cats are known as obligate carnivores, meaning the meat is their primary source of n...

Pet CareFeeding Guide: How to Switch Dog Food

Feeding Guide: How to Switch Dog Food

  Calling all dog lovers and pet parents! Has your dog reached the age where he needs to change his food? We know that changing your beloved puppy's food can be a daunting task. Today, we'll reveal...

Pet CareHow Much Protein is in Dog Food?

How Much Protein is in Dog Food?

  Hey there, fellow dog owners! Are you ready to dive into the world of doggy diets?  Today, we will bark about an essential nutrient that keeps our furry friends strong and healthy – protein!  Woo...

First Time OwnerFeed Guide: How Much and How Often Should You Feed a Dog

Feed Guide: How Much and How Often Should You Feed a Dog?

  Are you curious about how to ensure your dog gets the right amount of food?  Knowing "how often should you feed a dog" and "what time should i feed my dog" is essential for their health and happi...

First Time OwnerCream Warning: Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

Cream Warning: Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

  Dear friends, welcome to our newbie series! In the previous few blogs, we have discussed "what dogs can eat" and "what dogs can't eat".   Today let's tackle a burning question of summer. Ah, summ...

First Time OwnerCanine Nutrition101: What Fruits and Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

Canine Nutrition101: What Fruits and Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

  08:00 am again, I come back. Do you guys remember what I told you last time? Yes, the topic we have discussed is "what can't dogs eat". This time we need to switch gears and focus on the good stu...