Pet Feeding

How to Control Your Dog Eating Speed from Dog Bowls?

How to Control Your Dog Eating Speed from Dog Bowls


Are you concerned about your dog's lightning-fast eating habits? If so, you are not alone. Many dog owners wonder why their dog swallows food in the blink of an eye. Understanding the reason behind this behavior is the first step in ensuring your dog's health. In this article, we'll go into detail about the things that cause a dog to eat quickly and look at ways to slow down your dog's eating. 

So if you're ready to make mealtimes safer and more enjoyable for your dog, read on to learn how to make a positive difference.


Why Does My Dog Eat So Fast?

Have you ever wondered why your dog gorges at lightning speed? This is a common concern among dog owners, and it is worth digging into the root cause behind this behavior. Next, we'll explore three main factors in a dog's fast eating habits: instinct, competition, and hunger history. 

1. Instinct problems 

Dogs, descended from wolves, still retain certain instincts deeply ingrained in their DNA. One such instinct is the drive to consume food quickly. It's a way of surviving that's been around for a long time and is based on competition for resources and the risk of food theft. 

Even though taming has changed many things about how dogs act, including how they eat, some dogs still have this urge. 

2. Competition issues 

Competition is important in how quickly dogs eat, especially when multiple dogs are feeding together. Dogs may view mealtimes as a resource competition, a remnant of their wild ancestors. Even in single-dog households, the desire to guard and protect food can lead to rapid eating. 

3. The history of hunger 

For some dogs, a history of starvation or eating irregularities can have a lasting effect on their eating habits. Dogs who have gone through starvation periods or have limited food supplies may experience a strong sense of urgency about meals. This is a way they learned to stay alive in the past. Their instinct makes them eat quickly to make sure they get enough food. 

Rescued or adopted dogs, particularly those neglected or abused as puppies, are more likely to eat because they have been deprived of food before.


Why Need to Control Your Dog Eating Speed?

After understanding the reasons why dogs eat fast, do you want to know if fast eating is harmful to dogs? Of course, eating fast has a huge impact on your dog's physical health. 

1. Swell 

One of the most serious consequences of rapid eating in dogs is a condition called gastric dilatation-torsion (GDV). Bloat occurs when a dog's stomach fills with so much air or gas that it twists on itself. Dogs who eat too quickly are more likely to bloat because they take in a lot of air while consuming food quickly. Bloating is a life-threatening emergency that can lead to organ damage and even death if left untreated. 

2. Reflux 

Rapid eating can also lead to reflux, the passive expulsion of food from the esophagus. When dogs eat too quickly, they may swallow large chunks of food without properly chewing or moistening the food. This can cause food to get stuck in the esophagus and trigger reflux. Frequent reflux can lead to nutritional deficiencies and weight loss. 

3. Choking 

When your dog wolfs down their food without taking the time to chew it fully, they increase the chances of food getting stuck in its throat. Severe cases can cause suffocation. 

How quickly your dog eats is critical to their health and safety. By recognizing the risks of fast eating, we can implement coping strategies to promote healthier eating habits in dogs.


5 Tips to Control Your Dog Eating Speed

  • ●   Keep your dog away from other pets
Keep your dog away from other pets


Feeding your dog separately from other pets can minimize competition and reduce mealtime urgency. When dogs perceive the presence of other animals as a threat to their food resources, they feel compelled to eat faster. You can eliminate distractions and help them focus on meals at a more relaxed pace by providing your dog with a quiet, secluded dining space. 


a dog eats from the spunkyjunky's ceramic slow feeder dog bowl


Slow Feeding Bowls are designed to control how quickly your dog eats. These bowls have various built-in obstacles, such as ridges or a maze-like pattern, that require the dog to walk around them to get to the food. The deliberate challenge of the slow feeding bowl forces the dog to eat more slowly and engage in natural licking and chewing behaviors. Slow-feeding bowls can significantly extend meal times and prevent your dog from swallowing food in seconds. 


  • ● Dining all-day
Dining all-day


Instead of giving your dog one or two big meals daily, you might want to give them several small meals throughout the day. This slows down how fast they eat and keeps them from eating too much because they are hungry for a long time between meals. Having three or four smaller meals helps them digest better and gives them a steady energy supply. It also makes your dog eat more slowly because it doesn't feel like it has to finish all its food at once. It also makes your dog eat more slowly because it doesn't feel like it has to eat all of its food at once. 


  • ● Hand-feeding your puppy
Hand-feeding your puppy


Hand-feeding dogs is an effective way to control how quickly they eat while strengthening your bond. By feeding them small portions directly from your hands, you can closely monitor their intake and encourage them to eat slower. This approach also provides opportunities for training and reinforces positive behaviors. 


  • ● Monitor portion sizes and seek veterinary guidance
Monitor portion sizes and seek veterinary guidance


Keeping track of how much your dog eats is important to keep him from overeating and help him stay healthy. Talk to your vet to find out what food is best for your dog's size, breed, and amount of exercise. Changing the size of their meals to meet their nutritional needs can help keep them from eating too quickly because they are too hungry. A vet can also give you information and help that is special to your worries about how fast your dog eats. 


2 Tips for How to Stop a Dog from Eating Too Fast Immediately

Sometimes things happen all of a sudden. When you don't have a suitable tool on hand to regulate your dog's eating speed, I will show you two small tips to stop their behavior quickly:

One way you can take a try is scattering the food across a large surface, such as the floor or a mat. By spreading the food out, your dog has to search and work for each piece, which can naturally slow down their eating.

The other way is to split your dog's meal into multiple smaller portions and feed them one portion at a time, with a short break in between. This method helps to pause their eating and prevents them from gobbling down the entire meal at once.

Try these methods when you find your dogs eat too fast, and don't forget to prepare a suitable feeding tool to help you to control the eating speed.



Controlling your dog's eating speed is crucial for their health and well-being. Rapid eating can lead to serious conditions such as bloat, reflux, and choking. You can help your dog eat better by following tips like feeding it separately, using a slow-feeding bowl, splitting meals, hand-feeding, and keeping an eye on amount sizes. Remember that eating at a steady pace makes processing better and lowers the risk of health problems. Take care of your dog's health by controlling how fast they eat. This will make them happy and healthier.


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