When I meet Kai on Instagram for the first time, he is wearing fancy costume clothes and busy taking commercial pictures with the help of his "personal assistant." Then I look at myself, wearing worn-out jeans, tapping on my computer in my cramped apartment. He lives in the sunshine of Miami with his spoiling parents. One of my recent Instagrams got 30 likes; that’s good for me. One of his recent Instagrams got 541.
So, yes, Kai is more fabulous than me. which stings a little, because Kai is a bulldog.
What's his secret to being so popular on Instagram? Yes, his "spoiling" parents!
"First of all, working with dogs is not the same as working with humans. As well trained as they are we can't tell them to pose perfectly everytime or to just hold on 2 more mins while we get the lighting perfect. Also, managing your time is important. Most of us have a work during the day so we have to find the perfect work/pet influencer life balance. Not to over stress yourself." his mom told us.
Where do those interesting costumes come from?
"Some of the costumes we buy them from big stores (amazon, petsmart, petco, rubies costumes, chewy, walmart) and some other from small bizz (HeyBert Co, Midlee Design). We tried not to exceed the $100 per month for both of them (except for Halloween and Xmas ). We also like to add some diy props, we get ideas from pinterest and we buy most of the stuff from the Dollar Store".

Do you have daily tasks as a pet influencer?
"Yes! Kai has been posting once a day for well over a 1 year and now Ginger,the other bull dog, also posts at least once a day. Besides that we have constant interaction with their IG friends and followers (likes/commenting/answering msgs) and we are always planning ahead scheduling content creation sessions as well as collaborations such as giveaways with brands."
So are you doing shoots all the time? Or are you capturing stuff like Oh this is so cute. Wait, let me get my camera?
"Both! We mainly plan everything out for our feed posts. But we do like to capture every single moment we can of them interacting with each other or just doing something cute. We mainly use these pics/vids for stories or reels :)."
Do you guys meet with other famous Instagram dogs?
"Not yet but we have a group of Bulldogs Moms! Some of them have more the 20k followers. We hope to meet them one day in person!"
What does Kai and Ginger mean to you and your families?
"They are our babies. Our families treat them as such! They send them gifts for their birthdays and xmas!"
What title would you give yourself?
"Best Bulldog Mom"
Could you share your most interesting/funny story with Kai and Ginger? Or the thing that impressed you the most?
"What impresses me the most is that every time we take out our ring light Kai and Ginger know it's picture time, so they go and sit down in fron of the ring light! "
Anything else you want to share with readers?
"Well some exciting news! We are planning of having Kai and Ginger babies next year around May :). We are planning it ahead of time and making sure all their exam results are okay before that date!! We can't wait. PS - Even though they call each other as brother and sister they are not blood siblings "