Being an artist is a dream for many people. You won't doubt that if you read the story in W. Somerset Maugham's "The Moon and Sixpence." Well, alongside those geniuses and their masterpieces, there are a bunch of people who simply want to share the beauty in the world that they've seen, so they decide to pick up a painting brush and start to create.
Daniel Logan, who had always been interested in art, joined in the Air Force after graduating from high school. He decided to do something he loves after retiring from the Air Force in 2019. So he studied in Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design and began his career as an artist.
"I find inspiration in the things that we take for granted. There's beauty all around you. From the pink hue in the clouds from the setting sun, to the breath of cold air hitting your lungs in morning. I paint the beauty that I see in the world. A lot of inspiration comes from animals and landscapes, so I paint them in a way that I can articulate the beauty the way I see them. The day that I take beauty for granted is the day I stop painting. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon." Daniel told us.
SpunkyJunky: Who are your biggest artistic influences?
Daniel: My biggest influences are my father. My father was a soldier in the army, but always made time for art. He always gave me a way to express myself. My friend Tiffany was someone who I met in the military. She went to the same art school before me. If it wasn't for her I would have never gone to art school, and probably wouldn't have pursued a profession in art at all. I owe them everything.
SpunkyJunky: Could you describe the best piece of art you've created?
Daniel: My best piece of art is a 40x30 painting of an elk called Reveille. This painting was the first time that I discover a unique style of my own using acrylic and charcoal. Ot was the first time as an artist where instead of comparing myself, I saw all my flaws and mistakes as strengths and an identity unique to me.
SpunkyJunky: What inspired you to create an IG account?
Daniel: I am an artist, and I want to share the beauty I see in my art with the world. The difficulty about IG is that millions of people art saturating the great big pond that is the internet with content. The good thing about IG is that I can also reach those millions of people as well. It’s tricky, but it’s necessary in today’s climate.
SpunkyJunky: As you mentioned, you have 2 cats, and 2 dogs. What does Lacey, Luna, Roxie, Yara mean to you and your families?
Daniel: I have always had a love for animals. I have two cats, Lacey and Luna, and two dogs, Yara and Roxie. All my pets are rescues. They all adopted by me either seeing their cute faces online or hearing they came from a troubled household. I have a door mat at my front door that says, “Careful it’s a zoo in here”, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My pets are my family, my children. I tell them to be good before I leave the house, and something feels missing if they’re not close to me at bedtime. They mean the world to me.
SpunkyJunky: Do you have any tips on eating healthy for pets?
Daniel: My greatest tip is to research what is best for your breed and their body type and listen to the animal as well. If theyre not eating, or they’re throwing up after they eat that is a clear sign that something is potentially wrong.
SpunkyJunky: Could you share your most interesting/funny story with Lacey, Luna, Roxie, and Yara?
Daniel: This is something that equally makes me laugh and cry every time I think about it. I went camping with my dogs Roxie and Yara in the middle of nowhere. It was a beautiful time. I had my wife and kids with me, and the day couldn’t have gone better. Suddenly my dog Yara can’t stand up straight! She started twisting here feet, her eyes were dilatated, she would pee on herself and whine, amongst other things. I thought she had a stroke, but I was hours away from any help. So, all night I tried not to freak out my kids in our tent thinking that my dog may not make it through the night. First thing in the morning I throw everything in the car and drive multiple hours straight for the nearest pet Emergency Room. When I finally see the doctor, he just chuckles. I’m thinking, “my dog is dying and your laughing???”. He asked me if I smoked marijuana stash and ate it. That she would be perfectly fine that she’s just having a bad trip, and it happens all the time in Colorado. So, the entire time I thought my dog was dying a horrible death she was just on a yellow submarine in woods tripping paws.
SpunkyJunky: Do you know about interior design? Do you consider a dog bowl part of your house decoration?
Daniel: I don’t but that should change! Dog bowls are an extension of your pet, so showing a bit of their personality in their bowl sounds like a fun idea.
SpunkyJunky: What are your favorite pet accessories/treats you can't/don't want to live without?
Daniel: My pets love to be outside, so I always make sore to have leashes and collars that match their personalities.
SpunkyJunky: Anything else you want to share with readers?
Daniel: Painting animals is my passion, so that I can share my love that I have for my pets and other animals of the world with the world. I would love to share that with you all as well either on my website or my Instagram @DaloArtDesign Thank you!